Reinvent Your Life

YC&AC Tennis Otoshidama 2024
Words: Tennis Committee
Following annual traditions, Otoshidamas were handed out to our tennis community- in the way of a free coaching session courtesy of our YC&AC Coaches.
On January 8th this year, Seijin no Hi (‘Coming of Age’), 31 tennis members participated in a two hour coaching session (10-12 noon) run by Coaches Milos, Yoshio and Chiaki.

The event was wonderfully organized with all four clay courts used, three of which were specific to certain drills and techniques. This Otoshidama was highly appreciated and thoroughly enjoyed by all participants.
Again our sincere thanks to our Coaches led by Milos (together with Yoshio and Chiaki) and to Makiko (Tennis Committee) who helped to coordinate. Improvements can already be seen on court! A Happy New Year to everyone.