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YC&AC Field Hockey 2023 Report

Words: Ben Rowse, YC&AC Field Hockey Captain

The YC&AC Field Hockey section had a cracking 2023/4 season both on and off the pitch. Commencing in early October and culminating in an All-Stars game on the final Saturday of March, YC&AC recorded 10 wins against two losses, racking up some sizeable scores along the way.

The two defeats were at the hands of Tokyo United who, after departing the Hill for many years winless, added several Kanto 1st Division recruits to their line-up to present the home team with their sternest tests for a long time. Revenge will have to wait until the opening of the 2024/5 season.

Huge thanks as always must go to the men of Aressa and the ladies of Blue Wings who, week in, week out, fill out the ranks of the YC&AC team and bring much laughter, noise and spending money to the Sports Bar afterwards.

One of the great joys of YC&AC hockey is that it is a mixed team with a focus on being competitive on the pitch and very social off it — from pitchside family picnics to post-match debriefs in the bar.

If you have ever picked up a stick before, regardless of ability, and want to join in the fun during the upcoming season, please contact Ben Rowse at