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YC&AC Squash Report 2023
Words: Greg Wilson, YC&AC Squash Captain
Activity on the courts regained momentum throughout the 2023 squash season with around ten players participating at various skill levels. We have been gathering for friendly matches consistently on a weekly basis.
A highlight of the year was resumption of our two annual tournaments against Tokyo American Club after a hiatus during the pandemic. Nine YC&AC players took part in our summer tournament hosted by YC&AC in June. Ten YC&AC players traveled to TAC for the winter tournament in December.
The second tournament involved each player competing in best-of-three games against three different opponents. YC&AC secured victories in 18 out of 31 matches under that format.
Photo: Players at the TAC tournament held at TAC on December 10, 2023
YC&AC players Rich Johns, Fred Wilson, Shinya Fujiwara, Kumiko Fujiwara, Gilles Gaury,
David Hathaway, Yoshiya Moriguchi, Jochem Kuhnle, Kaori Sugimoto (YC&AC staff member)