Reinvent Your Life

Optimizing Your Golf Game: Essential Resistance Exercises for Strength and Injury Prevention
To present a complete biomechanical analysis of the golf swing, while ultimately beneficial to all who might read this, goes beyond the scope of this article. Instead, I would like to offer a combination of resistance exercises that, hopefully, will serve to improve your game and help prevent injury.
The Grip
Often referred to as the “foundation” of a good golf swing, its importance cannot be emphasized enough. Consequently, strengthening the muscles of the forearm, shoulders, and abdominal muscles becomes critical. Here are some exercises to focus on:
- Wrist Curls and Reverse Wrist Curls: 2 sets of 15-20 repetitions with moderate weight.
Lateral Raises (Side, Rear, and Front): 2 sets of 10-12 repetitions with either cables or dumbbells.
Core Training
Core training used to mean sit-ups and leg raises to prevent lower back difficulties. Unfortunately, lower back injuries still occurred. Exercise physiologists found that static exercises that strengthen the psoas and abdominal muscles work better. Recommended exercises include:
- Planks: 5 sets of 15 seconds.
Abdominal Machine Exercises at the gym.
Wood Choppers: A great exercise to strengthen your core in a way that mimics the stress of the golf swing.
The Stance
Whether discussing the backswing, the downswing, or the follow-through, the stance you assume will dictate the fullness of the movement and the torque you generate. This, in turn, affects the degree of stress on your lower back and knees. Recommended exercises include:
- Leg Presses, Leg Extensions, and Leg Curls: 2 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
Flexibility Exercises: 10-20 minutes after the workout.
- Lower Back Exercises
Aerobic Exercises: A good idea for any athletic pursuit.
The exercises recommended in this article are best done at least twice per week. Some readers may feel that the recommendations are excessive, but they are not! If anything, they only act as a base, permitting you to play golf now and assuring that you will continue to enjoy the game, injury-free, as you age.