YC&AC Cricket 2023 Report
Words: Anthony Hague YC&AC Cricket Captain
Another Busy Cricket Season In 2023 For The YC&AC Gentlemen’s XI.
As usual, we kicked off the season against the British Embassy Cricket Club in April, with our matches always played in the spirit of the game. Despite going down in our 4 matches there is always plenty of banter and good fun. As captain, I always like to give everyone a bat and a bowl. We also played our first friendly against the Tokyo Wombats and I am happy to report that we beat them resoundingly!
The Japan cricket season just wouldn’t be the same without the Friendship Cup, which is a round robin tournament against the YC&AC, Indian Embassy and British Embassy. In 2023, the pride of each country was on the line as the teams took to the YC&AC on 1 October. It was a very close tournament in 2023, with the YC&AC going down in our first match to the British Embassy with only 2 balls left. The Indian Embassy proceeded to beat the British Embassy and in the final match, the YC&AC’s bowling attack came to the rescue with an amazing performance to beat the Indian Embassy and retain the Friendship Cup.

We rounded off the season with a friendly against the Viceroys of India on 5 November, a team brought to Japan by our old YC&AC member Simon Denyer. Despite the best players in their team fielding some nasty hangovers, the YC&AC went down by a whisker but again all was forgotten in the Sports Bar!
We encourage any members interested in playing cricket to contact the Sports Manager, especially parents and their children.
Happy cricket!