Category Connect Bulletin

Form, Function, and Future Well-being

Words: Chuck Wilson, YC&AC Personal Trainer This issue marks the beginning of a three-part series exploring the various objectives behind the pursuit of fitness. Despite the well-documented benefits of maintaining a fitness routine, many individuals prioritize “form”—how they appear to…

Tennis Otoshidama 2025

Words: YC&AC Tennis Committee Continuing an annual tradition now in its sixth year, the tennis community celebrated Otoshidama with a complimentary coaching session generously offered by our esteemed YC&AC coaches. This year’s event took place on January 13th, coinciding with…

Thermoregulation: How to Beat the Heat

Words: Chuck Wilson, YC&AC Personal Trainer Thermoregulation is the scientific term for our body’s mechanism of maintaining homeostasis, or temperature balance. With summer in full swing and daily temperatures exceeding 30°C, keeping that balance can be challenging. Staying out of…

YC&AC Golf Report 2023

Words: Shingo Sakabe, YC&AC Golf Captain In 2023 season, we had 2 events such as YC&AC golf summer on 6-Aug at Kazusa country club (Chiba) and YC&AC golf club championships on 17-Dec at Belle Selva country club (Chiba) although YC&AC…

YC&AC Squash Report 2023

Words: Greg Wilson, YC&AC Squash Captain Activity on the courts regained momentum throughout the 2023 squash season with around ten players participating at various skill levels. We have been gathering for friendly matches consistently on a weekly basis.A highlight of…

Fitness and Wellness: Why Exercise?

Words: Chuck Wilson, YC&AC Personal Trainer Why Exercise? At first glance, the reasons for exercising seem self-evident. We exercise to improve our appearance, enhance our health, boost athletic performance, relieve stress, and prevent the ailments associated with aging. The benefits…

YC&AC Billiards 2023 Report

Words: Eddie Wu, YC&AC Billiards Captain St. Paddy’s Day: Snooker was well represented at last year’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade on 11 March 2023. Showcasing the diversity of sports we have at the YC&AC to our wider community, we hope this event…